Many teens consider getting their first driver’s license a significant milestone. However, this event can cause concern for their parents, primarily because of the increased insurance premiums associated with a new teen driver.
Parents in California and the surrounding states should take a few minutes to familiarize themselves with the implications of adding a teen to their policy. Considering these three points may be beneficial.
#1: Consult a Knowledgeable Agent
One of the most important things for parents to do is speak to an insurance agent familiar with teen drivers and how they can impact coverage. Take the time to learn what coverage is required and understand how deductibles and premiums interact.
#2: Explore Possible Discounts
It’s sometimes possible to receive discounts. These can involve multi-car or multi-policy discounts. Others might also be possible, such as those for good grades, driver’s education, and safe driving. Speaking to the insurance agent is beneficial in determining what you qualify for.
#3: Ensure the Teen Drives a Safe Car
The type of car the teen is driving can impact the premium. Vehicles with higher safety ratings and lower repair costs may result in a better quote. Safety should always be the first priority, so teaching teens to drive defensively is also a good idea.
The team at Avail Insurance Solutions LLC is ready to help California, Oregon, Nevada, and Arizona residents find the insurance policy that enables them to add their teen with the coverage they need.